Return of the King (The End)

Series: Advent

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Sermon: Return of the King (#Eschatology)

Amid brokenness, the Christmas story brings hope, marking Jesus' first advent. Now, we anticipate the Second Advent—the return of the King. Uncertain about when, we heed Jesus' words in Matthew 24:36. Reflecting on Noah's days and the parable of the ten virgins, we see a pattern: the wicked swept away, the righteous kept safe. Revelation 21 paints our eternal hope—a new heaven, a new earth, where God’s Kingdom will be ushered in and where Jesus dwells, wiping away tears, pain, and death. Our expectation is a future free from suffering, ushering in the King to a realm of joy.


Live Like it’s the End


Kingdom Come